Der Zor, Syria, Armenian Genocide Monument and Memorial Complex

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Subject:The victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. (view image)
Type of Memorial:Archive, Commemorative Plaque, Exhibition, Inscription, Monumental Sculpture, Museum
Sponsor(s):Armenian Apostolic Church of Syria and the Great House of Cilicia
Architect/Designer/Artist:Sarkis Balmanoukian
Placement:A large, freestanding sculptural work at the foot of which is buried the remains of genocide victims. It is located inside the church.
Physical Setting:No information available.
Tourist Amenities:No
Physical Condition:Very well preserved.
Inscription:Pictures of Armenian and Arabic text are provided.
Location:Armenian Apostolic Church of Syria
Der Zor, Syria
Construction Began:Mid 1980s
Construction Completed:1990
Dedication Date:1990
Opening Date:1990
Function during Genocide:Burial Place, Concentration Camp, Death March Site, Killing Center, Site of Execution
Events during Genocide:Der Zor was designated by the Young Turks authorities as the destination point and final killing center of the Armenian deportees. Those who survived the death marches were brought to the desert of Der Zor and murdered in this area. The desert contains a large number of mass graves.
Prior Use of Site:Der Zor was a town in a desert area.
Development/Construction Process:The memorial consists of a circular glass display of genocide victims’ remains, out of which grows a white-marble tower, flanked by khatchkars (cross-stones).
History of Ownership:Owned by the Armenian Apostolic Church of Syria.
Commemorative Activities:Each year pilgrimages are made to the monument from Syria and Lebanon organized by the Apostolic Church of Aleppo.
Additional Information:Kidd, Kristen. "Perpetual Reminders," Armenian International Magazine
(April 1999), pp. 48-50.

85 Commémoration du Génocide des Arméniens. Publication du Comité uni pour la Commémoration du Génocide arménien. Montréal, 2000.

Editorial Board of Armenian Encyclopedia. The Armenian Question. Yerevan: 1996.

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