Genocide in Our Time: An Annotated Bibliography with Analytical Introductions

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Genocide in Our Time: An Annotated Bibliography with Analytical Introductions

Dobkowski, Michael N. and Wallimann, Isidor, editors.
Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian Press, 1992, 183 pages. ISBN 0-87650-280-X.

"The 'progress' of the twentieth century has been constant along its journey of horrors — from the massacre of the Armenians, to the planned famine in the Ukraine, to the Holocaust, to the killing fields of Cambodia. The enormity of the genocidal horrors of our century is indicated by our almost schizophrenic attitude toward it. We move between attitudes of despair on one hand and denial or avoidancy on the other. These attitudes are actually mirror images of each other. They both seek to deny reality by avoiding any responsibility for the need to understand the phenomenon so that we can avoid repeating it again and again. Our first obligation, therefore, is to face it squarely."

The contributors to this volume discuss genocide in the context of mass warfare and modernity. They cover a range of topics starting with the question of typology and look beyond at the insights of survivors as victims. Others examine policies toward ethnic minorities worldwide and show their overt and covert ethnocidal dimension. The linkages between modern warfare and genocide are explored as it concerns the nature of modern war and its social, psychological and organizational foundations in modernity. The Holocaust is studied as the paradigmatic genocide, while the manner and dynamic in which the Armenian Genocide has been articulated, relativized, and denied serves to develop intervention strategies and early warning systems.

Sample Chapters:

  • Ethnocide, Alison Palmer
  • The Holocaust, Michael N. Dobkowski
  • The Issue of the Holocaust as a Unique Event, Alan Rosenberg and Evelyn Silverman
  • The Armenian Genocide: Revisionism and Denial, Rouben Adalian
  • Genocide and Modern War, Eric Markusen