April 29, 1918
[Decree issued in 1918 by the Sharif of Mecca for the Protection of Armenians.]
The Hashemite Royal Court
In the Name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful We Thank Only God And No One But God
From Al-Husayn Ibn 'Ali, King of the Arab Lands and Sharif of Mecca and its Prince to The Honorable and Admirable Princes — Prince Faisal and Prince Abd al-'Aziz al-Jarba — greetings and the compassion of God and His blessings. This letter is written from Imm Al-Qura (Mecca), on 18 Rajab 1336 [April 29, 1918], by the praise of God and no God except Him. We ask peace upon God's Prophet, his family and his companions (may peace be upon him). We inform you that in our gratitude to Him we are in good health, strength and good grace. We pray God that He may grant us and you His abundant grace. What is requested of you is to protect and to take good care of everyone from the Jacobite Armenian community living in your territories and frontiers and among your tribes; to help them in all of their affairs and defend them as you would defend yourselves, your properties and children, and provide everything they might need whether they are settled or moving from place to place, because they are the Protected People of the Muslims (Ahl Dimmat al-Muslimin) — about whom the Prophet Muhammad (may God grant him His blessings and peace) said: "Whosoever takes from them even a rope, I will be his adversary on the day of Judgment." This is among the most important things we require of you to do and expect you to accomplish, in view of your noble character and determination. May God be our and your guardian and provide you with His success. Peace be upon you with the mercy of God and His blessings.
Al-Husayn Ibn 'Ali