September 6, 2006
Articulo 1 - INSTITUYESE - en la Provincia de Cordoba - el dia 24 de abril de cada ano como "Dia de Conmemoracion del Genocidio contra el Pueblo Armenio", ejecutado durante la vigencia del Imperio Otomano.
Articulo 2 - ESTABLECESE que el Ministerio de Educacion de la Provincia, en fecha contemporanea de la establecida en el articulo anterior, debera implementar el distado de clases especiales referidas al genocidio sufrido por el pueblo armenio, en las materias que correspondan.
Articulo 3 - COMUNIQUESE al Poder Ejecutivo Provincial.
Dada en la sala de sesiones de la Legislatura Provincial, en la ciudad de Cordoba, a los seis dias del mes de Septiembre del ano Dos Mil Seis.
Guillermo Arias
Secretario Legislativo
Legislatura Provincia de Cordoba
Juan Schiaretti
Vice Gobernador
Legislatura Provincia de Coroba
[Unofficial Translation]
Article 1 -INSTITUTED in the province of Cordoba -- on the 24th day of April of every year as the "Day of Commemoration of the Genocide against the Armenian people", executed during the reign of the Ottoman Empire.
Article 2 -ESTABLISHES that the Department of Education of the province, on the date established in the previous article, should implement the teaching of special classes referring to the genocide suffered by the Armenian population in the subjects that correspond.
Article 3 -COMMUNICATES to the Executive Power of the Province
Given in the hall of sessions of the legislature of the province, in the city of Cordoba, on the 6th day of the month of September of 2006
Guillermo Arias
Legislative Secretary
Provincial Legislature of Cordoba
Juan Schiaretti
Provincial Legislature of Cordoba