Buenos Aires, Argentina, Armenian Genocide Memorial Fountain

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Subject:The victims of the Armenian Genocide. (view image)
Type of Memorial:Inscription, Monumental Sculpture
Sponsor(s):Local Armenian community members
Placement:Circular fountain in a public space – on the ground.
Physical Setting:In the urban fabric.
Tourist Amenities:Yes
Map Designation:Mount Ararat Square (Plazoleta Monte Ararat)
Physical Condition:Well preserved
Location:Buenos Aires, Consejo 1414 Argentina
Location Description:Located in the neighborhood of Palermo, near the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Armenia Narek (Charcas 3529)in Mount Ararat Square, between the streets Charcas, Salguero and Vidt.
Dedication Date:1990's
Prior Use of Site:The square was managed by the Armenian-Catholic community in 1983.
Development/Construction Process:The monument is a replica of the Monument to the Martyrs Dzidzernagapert Genocide, located in Armenia that was created in 1965 in Yerevan to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Additional Information:85 Commémoration du Génocide des Arméniens. Publication du Comité uni pour la Commémoration du Génocide arménien. Montréal, 2000.