Brussels, Belgium, Armenian Genocide Memorial Khachkar

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Subject:The victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. (view image)
Type of Memorial:Inscription, Monumental Sculpture
Sponsor(s):City of Brussels and Belgium-Armenian community.
Architect/Designer/Artist:Khatchkar brought from Armenia – artist unknown.
Placement:Freestanding, sculptural work in a public space.
Physical Setting:Flat land.
Tourist Amenities:Yes
Physical Condition:Very well preserved.
Inscription:Language: French
Inscription text: "Au 1,500,000 arméniens victimes du genocide ordonne par les dirigeants ottomane du 1915."

Language: Flemish
Inscription: "Ter nagedachtenis van the slachtoffers van de Armeense volkenmoord van 1915, uitgevoerd door het Osmaanse Turkije".

(Translation: “In the memory of the Armenian victims of the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman authorities of 1915.")

Location:Bruxelless, (Brussels) Belgium
Construction Completed:1990s
Dedication Date:Early 1990s
Prior Use of Site:Public property.
Development/Construction Process:Constructed of a gray-stone footing and red Armenian tufa. Inscription is carved on the lower section. The upper “Khatchkar” was probably shipped from the Republic of Armenia.
History of Ownership:Owned by the city of Brussels.
Additional Information:Kidd, Kristen. “Perpetual Reminders,” Armenian International Magazine.
(April 1999), pp. 48-50.

85 Commémoration du Génocide des Arméniens. Publication du Comité uni pour la Commémoration du Génocide arménien. Montréal, 2000.

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